Tuesday, October 28, 2008


In the immortal words of Timbaland: "It's been a long time (long time), we shouldn't have left you (left you), without a dope beat to step to".

As always, it takes the Puff to kick my ass back into gear.  I took a year-long hiatus from catty blogging...and for what?  Well, mainly traipsing around Japan and slowly watching the decline of America as an economic superpower from a precariously safe distance.  MCCAIN '08 (all I have to say is thank the online gods for Jon Stewart)!

If anyone's curious, the general public in Japan is supportive of Obama in as much as he's "that black American that is always on the news".  When asked about Presidential candidate, John McCain, the two answers I frequently get are a) "Who's that?" and b) "Is that the guy with the woman Vice President?"  So, generally speaking, the lack of knowledge about the impending election is not much different than in the States, except it's less scary here because they can't actually vote.

So does this post mean Cynic is back?  If I can quote my personal hero, Jesus Christ Sarah Palin, "You betcha."


JackW said...

Is that his campaign song?

Min said...

This video has less to do with Barack Obama, and more to do with the small town in Japan called Obama. Effective, nonetheless.